• LG·泷儿     第二十九期:温柔的对待

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    1. 如果有一天,你要走,那么,答应我,跑得慢一点,好让我追上你。

    2. 其实我很好,只是不习惯,只是会偶尔难受一下,只是会在某一瞬间突然很想某个人,只是会在听到某一句熟悉的话时很难过
    3. 我总是躲在梦与季节的深处,听花与黑夜唱尽梦魇,唱尽繁华,唱断所有记忆的来路。

    4. 在你曾经爱过我的那些短暂岁月里,我或许是世界上最幸福的人,只是那些日子已成过去,要留也留不住。

    5. 他有着小动物一样的眼神,他的温柔也是小野兽一般的,温柔违反了他的意志,从他眼睛里泄露出来。他自己彷佛也意识到了,为此羞愧似地故意表现得粗鲁无理,就像小野兽朝天空龇出它还很稚嫩的利齿,作出不可侵犯的样子。

    6. 如果没有那么多的感动,那么多的痛苦,在狂喜和绝望的两极来来回回,活着还有什么意思呢?

    7. 后来,我有一度变成了一个不相信爱情的女人,于是我走了,走到沙漠里头去,也不是去找爱情,我想大概是去寻找一种前世的乡愁吧

    8. 四周的窗全开着,雨做了重重的帘子,那么灰重的掩压了世界,我们如此渴望着想看一看帘外的晴空,它总冷漠的不肯理睬我们盼望。而一个个希望是如此无助的否定掉了,除了无止境的等待之外,你发现没有其他的办法再见阳光。

    9. 我们爱一个人,就是交给这个与我们对峙的世界一个人质。我爱你,就是将我自己交给你,把我自己当成人质交给你,从此,你有伤害我的权力,你有抛弃我的权力,你有冷落我的权力。别的人没有。这个权力,是我亲手给你的。千辛万苦,甘受不辞。

    10. 我一直相信,你是一个值得让我等待那么久的人。我们的相遇,在那些略显孤单额日子里被我编制了无数遍,下着雨的夏季,飘着雪的冬季。一场旅途中,静谧小巷的邂逅,亦或是独自一人,在对焦的时候,你出现在我的镜头……多得不得了的场景,有时候想着想着会有种会成真的错觉,有时候想着想着会无奈地笑自己傻帽。我不知道你现在子啊哪里,做着什么事,念着什么人。我一直在等着你。

    11. 人生最大的幸福,是发现自己爱的人正好也爱着自己。

    12. 不要相信有什么永远,不要爱一个不爱你的人,不然最后受伤的一定会是自己

    13. 我藏不住秘密,也藏不住忧伤,正如我藏不住爱你的喜悦,藏不住分离时的彷徨。我就是这样坦然,你舍得伤,就伤
    14. 曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。

    15. 忘记不爱的人,不让自己伤心,只因自己被伤害了。
    16. 车马来往人不断,感情终归两相散。

    17. 你说分手的时候,我的心碎了,而你却无动于衷。
    18. 你总说你对我很失望,但是你从来不知道,我对你更失望。
    19. 一直认为你喜欢的女孩是我,喜欢的一切都是我的喜好,但是我错了,都只是巧合而已。
    20. 给我一支烟,再给我一些酒,最好让我一个人宿醉街头。
    21. 感谢上天让我得了选择性失忆,让我把伤我心的人都忘了。
    22. 一颗完完整整的心,走出去回来时却已不再完整。
    23. 爱也爱过了,恨也恨过了,心已伤透,还是忘不了那个他。
    24. 如果当初没有心动,现在也就不会心痛。
    25. 我早就不爱你了,你只是活在了我青春的记忆里,很难忘罢了。
    26. 我倒是希望有的时候我能蠢一点,什么都不懂,也许就不会这么痛。
    27. 也许某天,你会把我的故事当成笑话讲给他听。
    28. 伤痕累累的是我,辗转反侧的是我,心甘情愿的还是我。

    If one day you want to go, promise me to run slowly so that I can catch up with you.
    2. Actually, I'm very good, just not used to it. I just feel bad occasionally. I just miss someone suddenly in a moment. I just feel sad when I hear a familiar sentence.
    3. I always hide in the depths of dreams and seasons, listening to flowers and night singing nightmares, singing prosperity, singing the way to break all memories.
    4. In those short years when you once loved me, I may be the happiest person in the world, but those days have passed and I can't keep them.
    5. He has the eyes of small animals. His gentleness is also like that of small animals. It violates his will and leaks out from his eyes. He himself seemed to realize that he was so ashamed that he deliberately acted rudely and unreasonably, like a small beast showing its tender sharp teeth in the sky and making an inviolable appearance.
    6. What's the point of living without so much touching, so much pain, going back and forth between ecstasy and despair?
    7. Later, I once became a woman who did not believe in love, so I left and went to the desert, not to find love, I think it is probably to find a nostalgia of the past life.
    8. The windows around are all open, the rain has made heavy curtains, so the gray cover the world, we are so eager to see the clear sky outside the curtain, it always indifferent to ignore our expectations. And one hope is so helplessly denied that you find no other way to see the sunshine except endless waiting.
    9. When we love someone, we give it to the world that confronts us as a hostage. I love you, is to give myself to you, to you as a hostage, since then, you have the right to hurt me, you have the right to abandon me, you have the right to snub me. No one else. This power is given to you personally. It's hard and painful, and it's easy to take it.
    10. I have always believed that you are a person worth waiting for so long. Our encounter, in those slightly lonely days, I compiled numerous times, rainy summer, snowy winter. On a journey, the encounter in a quiet alley, or alone, when you are in focus, you appear in my lens... There are a lot of scenes, sometimes thinking about the illusion that it will come true, sometimes thinking about it will be helpless to laugh at their silly caps. I don't know where you are, what you are doing and who you are thinking about. I've been waiting for you.
    11. The greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love also loves you.
    12. Don't believe in anything forever. Don't love someone who doesn't love you, or you'll end up hurting yourself.
    13. I can't hide secrets or sorrows, just as I can't hide the joy of loving you or the hesitation of separation. That's how I feel. If you give up, you'll get hurt.
    14. Don't forget what you once owned. We should cherish what we can't get. Don't give up what belongs to you. What has been lost is left for memory.
    15. Forget the person you don't love, don't let yourself be sad, just because you are hurt.
    16. Cars and horses keep coming and going, and feelings eventually fall apart.

    17. When you said goodbye, my heart was broken, but you were indifferent.
    18. You always say that you are disappointed with me, but you never know that I am even more disappointed with you.
    19. I always think that the girl you like is me. Everything I like is my hobby. But I'm wrong. It's just a coincidence.
    20. Give me a cigarette and some wine. Better let me hang out on the street alone.
    21. Thank God for giving me selective amnesia, so that I forget the people who hurt my heart.
    22. A complete heart is no longer complete when it comes back.
    23. Love has also loved, hated and hated, the heart has been broken, or can not forget that he.
    24. If there had been no heartbeat, it would not be heartbreak now.
    25. I don't love you for a long time. You just live in the memory of my youth. It's hard to forget.
    26. I hope sometimes I can be a little foolish and know nothing. Maybe it won't hurt so much.
    27. Maybe someday you will tell him my story as a joke.
    28. It's me who's scarred, I'm the one who's tossing and turning, and I'm the one who's willing to be.

    1970-01-01   24赞       2踩       1141浏览 评论(18)
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