• THG·Akashic     【四速】20180418 BBC One-Minute World News

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》








    据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国中央情报局(CIA)局长蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)4月初已在平壤秘密会见金正恩,为美国总统特朗普与金正恩的直接对话做准备。报道指出,蓬佩奥是在被提名为国务卿人选后不久访问朝鲜的。




    A visit by international chemical weapons inspectors to the location of a suspected poison gas attack in the Syrian town of Douma has been delayed due to gunfire during a visit by a UN security team, sources have told Reuters.

    Syrian state media reported Tuesday that inspectors from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons had entered Douma, but Syria's UN ambassador, Bashar Ja'afari, later said only a UN advance security team had entered.

    The team was tasked with assessing the situation ahead of the planned visit by inspectors, said the sources, who had been briefed on the team's deployment.

    One source told Reuters the advance team had "encountered a security issue," including gunfire, but could not provide additional details. Another said they had been met by protesters demanding aid, and gunfire was heard. The UN team then left.

    Ja'afari said on Tuesday the fact-finding mission would begin its work in Douma on Wednesday if the UN security team deemed the situation there safe.

    But a UN source said separately that the OPCW inspectors would probably not be going to Douma on Wednesday.











    Facebook originally began face-matching users outside Canada in 2011, but stopped doing so for EU citizens the following year after protests from regulators and privacy campaigners.

    The new request is one of several opt-in permissions being rolled out in advance of a new data privacy law.

    The move is likely to be controversial.

    The company is currently embroiled in a privacy scandal related to the use of its members' personal information by the political consultancy Cambridge Analytica.

    The social network is also facing a class-action lawsuit in the US for deploying the facial recognition technology there without users' explicit consent.

    "Biometric identification and tracking across the billions of photos on the platform exacerbates serious privacy risks to users," commented Silkie Carlo, director of UK civil liberties group Big Brother Watch.

    "Facebook now has a duty to prove it has learned how to respect the law, not to prove it can take its surveillance capabilities to new depths."

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