• THG·Akashic     20180314 BBC One-Minute World News

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    20180314 BBC One-Minute World News


    You are watching BBC World News. I am David Eades. These are the headlines:

    Professor Stephen Hawking, the theoretical physicist and author has died at age of 76.

    He became one the most talked-about scientists since Einstein for his ground breaking work with black holes and relativity.

    Russia has ignored a midnight deadline set by the British government to explain how a nerve agent thought to be Russian made was used to poison a former spy and his daughter.

    Sergey and Yulia Skripal remain in a critical condition in hospital in England. Moscow denies any involvement in the attack.

    Democratic Candidate Conor Lamb has claimed victory in the election in Pennsylvania for a seat in the US House of Representatives.

    He's been seen by some of the significant referendum on President Trump's performance in a solidly Republican area.

    US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is bowing out public life after his shock sacking on Tweeter by President Trump.

    He's been replaced by the CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

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