• THG·Akashic     特别节目:霍金的女儿回忆霍金

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    I'm Lucy Hawking. I'm Stephen Hawking's daughter.

    It just used to cause absolute consternation. You know, people would just stand there and stare.

    My father had his own electric wheelchair which he used to drive at great speed across the whole of Cambridge, accompanied by me and my older brother.

    So two sort of blonde little moppets running alongside with ice creams.

    I think in horror, amazement and shock. How was this disabled man out by himself? And what were these children doing? People just couldn't process the sight.

    My father always had lots of scientific colleagues who come for dinner pretty much every night

    and they would discuss extraordinary topics, you know, and no topic was out of bounds. And as a child you could ask any questions you wanted and get a reply.

    I think it's my son's 8th or 9th birthday party and one of my son's friends went up to my dad and said, oh Stephen, what would happen to me if I fell in a black hole?

    And everyone was really interested and everyone waited for the answer

    and my father said you'd be turned into spaghetti.

    Of course all the kids were really thrilled and they totally understood his answer and all the adults kind of pretended they did and went, oh yes, yes.

    And I realise that was a story. Like, what would he be doing out there in space?

    And so I said to my father I think we should do this. I think I'll write the story

    and you put in the accurate scientific descriptions of the universe.

    Once upon a time there was a scientist called Stephen. He also had a little daughter called Lucy.

    People who have lived in war zones and people who have lived in really extreme circumstances seem to find something very, very inspirational.

    In his example of perseverance and persistance and his kind of ability to rise above his suffering

    and still want to communicate at a higher level with humour to a world population.

    1970-01-01   46赞       1踩       8099浏览 评论(16)
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