• THG·Akashic     20180312 BBC One-Minute World News

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    20180312 BBC One-Minute World News

    Script: ↓

    Hello, I am Karin Giannone, this is BBC World News. The headlines:

    Right wing parties opposed to Colombia's peace deal with the left wing rebels have won most votes in congressional elections.

    In its first test as a political party, the FARC took only a small fraction of the votes cast.

    The BBC is making an unprecedented appeal to the United Nations Human Rights Council

    over the abuse of its staff and their families by the Iranian government.

    So far the authorities in Tehran have declined to comment publicly.

    The UK National Security Council is to look at the latest evidence of the suspected poisoning of a former Russian double agent and his daughter.

    An assessment will be made of whom might have carried out the nerve agent attack.

    Australian medical researchers have launched a 90-second online test, capable of predicting an individual's risk of developing a fatal melanoma.

    Despite its simplicity, the test has been reported to be "highly accurate."

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       566浏览 评论(2)
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