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    Climate change (气候变化)上,明天更新下

    Global warming Cannot be dealt with using today's tools and mindsets and so create some new ones(全球变暖不能够用现代的工具和观念模式来处理,所以我们要创造一些新的东西)

    第一段😃IN SOME ways, the climate talks that begin in Paris on November 30th will show world leaders at their best.Taking a break from pressing issues such as terrorist threats and stuffering economies, they will try to avert a crisis that will pose its gravest risks long after they have left office.It is the opposite of the myopic thinking that is often said to a fflict politics .A pity ,then ,that politicians have set themselves an impossible task ,And that they are mostly going about,it in a wrong way.
    pressing /ˈprɛsɪŋ/  紧迫的
    terrorist /ˈtɛrərɪst/ 恐怖分子
    stutter /ˈstʌtə/ 口吃的
    afflict /əˈflɪkt/ 痛苦,折磨
    pity /ˈpɪtɪ/ 可惜
    第二段😃That climate change is happening , that it is very largely, man made and that it is exceedingly dangerous.are all now hard to deny,( through American's leading, republican presidential candidate s rountinely try).This year will all but certainly be the hottest since1880,When NASA 's records begin.if so ,2015 Will break a record that was set only in 2014,Every Single year, so far this decade has been hotter than every single year before1998.
    exceedingly /ɪkˈsiːdɪŋlɪ/ 极其的
    candidate /ˈkændɪˌdeɪt/ 候选人
    routinely /ruːˈtiːnlɪ/照例的,老一套的
    all but 几乎差不多
    record / 'rekɔːd /记录,档案



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