• THG·Akashic     20180310 BBC One-Minute World News

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    20180310 BBC One-Minute World News


    Hello again this is BBC World News. I'm David Eades with the headlines.

    The American pro-gun lobby group, the National Rifle Association, has filed a federal lawsuit over gun-control legislation that's just been signed into law in Florida.

    The NRA says the law which raises the legal age to buy guns after 21 violates the Second Amendment, that the right to bear arms.

    Present Trump has tweeted that a deal with North Korea is, as he put it, very much in the making.

    Earlier his spokeswoman said a proposed meeting between the president and the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, would not happen, unless Washington saw concrete steps or actions by Pyongyang.

    An aid convoy has successfully unloaded its food supplies in the rebel-held enclave of Eastern Ghouta in Syria.

    It was the third attempt this week to get lorries into the area to help trapped civilians. Those are the headlines.

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