• THG·Akashic     20180308 BBC一分钟世界新闻

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    20180308 BBC一分钟世界新闻


    The latest headlines for you from BBC News.

    British anti-terror police have confirmed a chemical weapon, a nerve agent, was used to try to murder a former Russian spy and his daughter.

    They were found slumped on a bench in the city of Salisbury.

    Sergei and Yulia Skripal are still critically ill, along with the first police officer on the scene.

    Russia has denied involvement.

    White House officials are saying some countries could be excluded from President Trump's planned tariffs on steel and aluminium imports.

    There's concern about triggering a trade war, but the president is expected to go ahead with formal approval before the end of this week.

    Counting is underway in Sierra Leone where more than three million people have voted for a new president and parliament.

    The current President Ernest Bai Koroma is standing down after two five-year terms.

    There will be a run-off vote if no presidential candidate wins a fifty-five percent of the ballot.

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