• THG·Akashic     20180307 BBC一分钟世界新闻

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    20180307 BBC一分钟世界新闻


    script如下: ↓

    Latest headlines for you from BBC News.

    Donald Trump's top economic adviser has resigned. It's understood Gary Cohn disagrees with the president

    about his plan to impose steep tariffs on steel and aluminium imports.

    Mr Trump has also welcomed the possibility of a global trade war.

    'tis the latest in a series of high-profile departures from the White House.

    The State Department in the US has formally confirmed it does believe the North Korean government used a nerve agent VX

    to assassinate the half-brother of North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un.

    Kim Jong Nam was attacked at Malaysia's main international airport in February last year.

    British chemical experts are working to identify the substance blamed for poisoning a former Russian spy and his daughter.

    The Kremlin has denied any involvement. It's accused the British media of trying to demonise Russians.

    Britain's foreign secretary has called Russia a "malign and disruptive force."


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