• THG·Akashic     20180306 BBC一分钟世界新闻

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    20180306 BBC一分钟世界新闻,其实已经是昨天的新闻了~


    This is BBC World News, I am Lucy Hockings, The headlines:

    a former Russian spy is critically ill in a British hospital.

    Counter-terrorism police who involved in the case of Sergei Skripal who collapsed suddenly,

    is now confirmed that the woman who was with him, and who was also in hospital is his daughter, Yulia.

    Delegates from South Korea have been meeting officials in the North.

    President Kim Jong Un says he wants to "write a new history of national reunification" after the talks.

    United Nations says that Myanmar is continuing its ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya with a "campaign of terror and forced starvation" in Rakhine state.

    Hundreds of refugees continue to cross the border into Bangladesh every week.

    And the wreckage of one of America's first aircraft carriers has been found 800 kilometres off the east coast of Australia,

    76 years after it was sunk during the Second World War.


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