• 尼口     peppa pig 20 The school fete.

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    what do you like best?
    I like face paiting the best.
    I like balloons
    I like bouncy castle the best.
    I like everthing.
    That' a good choice.
    see you later,Peppa.
    What do you like best?George?
    Oh,dear,there aren't any dinosaurs at the fete,George.
    Maybe we can have dinosaur balloons.
    Are you sure they have dinosaur balloons,Daddy Pig?
    I'm certain of it.
    Can George and i get our faces painted first?
    Miss Rabbit has painted Peppa's friends as tigers.
    There you are.Suzy.You look like a tiger now.
    wow.I like your face,Suzy.Are you a pussycat?
    No,I'm a tiger .
    Would you like your face painted?
    Yes,pkease.can i be an elephant?
    Oh,dear.i don't know how to do elephants.I can do tigers.
    Yes,a tiger please.
    There you are,Peppa.now you are a tiger.
    George,what would you like to be?
    A dinosaur.
    Adinosaur?Er,how about a tiger instead?
    Tigers don't say "woof woof"
    How do you know that?
    Because tiger is a big cat.and i'm a cat.
    Can you teach us how to be a tiger,please?
    Okay,tigers creep very slowly,and then they jump,Errr.They like to lick themselves clean.but best of all,when they are happy,they purr.
    Hello, children.My goodness.You are all tigers.
    And i'm teaching them how to be proper tigers.
    What do you little tigers want to do next?
    A dinosaur.
    That's right.We have to find George a dinosaur balloon.
    Let's get you all balloons.
    Hello,Madam Gazelle.We'd like some balloons,please.
    Certainly,i've got different ones.
    Can i have an elephant balloon,please?
    Can i have a kangaro?
    A lion,pkease.
    Most important of all,we need a dinosaur balloon for George.
    Oh,dear.i do not seem to have any dinosaur balloons.
    Don't worry.George.i've got an idea.Could we have two of long balloons,please?
    watch this,everbody.
    (what is dad doing with the balloons?)
    Can you guess what it is?
    Peppa loves bouncing on the bouncy castle.
    Everyone loves bouncing on the bouncy castle.
    This is the best school fete,ever.

    1970-01-01   3赞       1踩       3608浏览 评论(0)


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