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    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Best Motivational Videos - One Second

    Sometimes one second requires everything you have learned in your whole life -- this point is driven home in this dramatic motivational video.

    Filled with images of the race car driver growing up, the announcer on this motivational video for Dunlap moves through the various phases of life which lead to this one second, "All your dreams, everything you achieved, everything that put you to the test...all the commitments, everything that got you ticking, all the failures, all your perseverance...all for that one second… that decides everything."

    This motivational video recreates childhood memories of the race car driver, from first steps as a baby, to a few years later as a toddler playing with Matchbox type diecast cars, growing into a pre-teen that races -- and sometimes crashes the go-cart -- to exploring the passions of being a teenager in kissing a girl, then into college with racing simulators and stress tests for endurance.

    Being part of a sales force has many similarities; we practice benefits and objections in simulated environments as though they’re real, we encounter rejection and find ways to turn it around for the customers benefit, we experience extreme pleasure as well as discouraging turn downs, but when it comes to a key moments where it’s win or lose, everything we've learned comes into play, and our drive takes over.

    Use the button below to inquire about licensing this video. Our creative team at Opening Moments is driven by creating custom motivating experiences that can supercharge your sales force, see our production of Extra Mile for HP.

    (See more at: http://www.openingmoments.com/opening-moments-blog/best-motivational-videos-one-second#sthash.LgGWgfq6.dpuf)

    1970-01-01   19赞       1踩       4412浏览 评论(1)
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