• TBBT-FAN     【哈佛的中国蜘蛛侠】【TF41】

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    第一章 片段一 + 何江简介
    第二章 片段二 + 何江深度访谈
    第三章 片段三 + 何江只是中国教育的“意外”
    第四章 八一八哈佛知名校友
    奥巴马 马英九 比尔盖茨...
    第五章 何江论文英文版全文




    何江进入哈佛大学分子细胞生物学系攻读博士,在导师庄小威教授实验室进行生物光学和超高分辨显微成像在病毒学和神经学中的应用和研究。2015年博士毕业,现于麻省理工大学进行博士后研究。研究内容为组织工程,3D打印人体肝脏的应用,癌症早期检测。生物技术行业在今年来拥有非常迅猛的发展,其广大的发展空间让他决定留在该领域。哈佛博士期间,他在eLife PNAS Plos Pathogens Nature Methods等等国际著名杂志上发表科研论文9篇,文章引用数量超过500次。同时担任Nano Letters Briefings in Bioinformatics等10多个杂志审稿人。另外,在哈佛商学院教授引荐下,他写了一本关于中国乡村的传记体性质英文书,书稿目前已被欧洲最大publishing agency接收,计划于欧洲美国中国发表。



    ♥ 站上哈佛毕业演讲舞台紧张吗?

    何江 : 因为演讲当天有彩排,所以前一晚只睡了4个多小时,早上5点多就起了。其实上台前也特别紧张,开场两句陈述后,看到台下有人在笑、有人点头就觉得没事了。准备了这么久,还好没出错。前一晚妈妈还给我打电话,让我不要紧张。其实家人比我还紧张。


    何江 : 这次申请毕业典礼演讲,历经3轮选拔才正式入选。第一轮申请的时候,首先要提交相关科研成果和演讲稿件。我到哈佛后,很快进入科大师姐、美国麦克阿瑟基金会“天才奖”得主庄小威教授的实验室,从事高分辨显微镜研究流感如何侵入人体等工作,并做出一些成绩。


    何江 : 选择科技知识分布不均衡也是因为和同学聊天时的玩笑话,我们当时开玩笑想搞科研究竟是为了什么,怎么让更多的人受惠。我从这些日常的生活细节中得到灵感,就想讲一下科技知识怎么给大家带来好处。


    何江 : 因为从农村出来,你可用的资源可能要比其他地方少很多,靠自己的努力要多很多,但是我不认为这能完全限制一个人。


    何江 : 东西方差别在课堂上比较容易体现。中国的课堂,老师更多的是一个权威的存在,学生在下面被动听的比较多。美国这边就是鼓励大家参与非常多,鼓励你去尝试,老师也不批评一些幼稚想法。这种差别其实从一开始对我来说就是一个很大的冲击。


    何江 : 从乡下到县城读高中,蹩脚的“农村英语”曾经让我不自信,我就买英文版小说硬啃;到了哈佛,校园满是“牛人”,整个头一年都不自信,但第二年,我就报名当本科生辅导员,最后一年,搬入本科生宿舍,与一群本科生同吃同住。


    何江 : 在麻省理工攻读博士后,将学习四年。相比哈佛,我在麻省理工的工作已经更加偏向实际应用了。比如用组织工程的方法体外培养肝脏,然后用它模拟疾病,做一些癌症的早期检测。我希望能做一些转化,所以研究方向上转到一些比较实用的科学上面,希望能更多的造福人类。


    何江 : 其实从2008年开始,越来越多的科研人员回国,但是这种回去很多时候还得看你的研究水平,如果你研究不顺利的话,你可能还回不去。如果到时候我的生物研究到了一定水平,然后国内还有合适机会,肯定会考虑回国。















    The Spider's Bite

    When I was in middle school a poisonous spider bit my right hand. I ranto my mom for help—but instead of taking me to a doctor my mom set my hand onfire.

    After wrapping my hand with several la<x>yers of cotton then soaking it in wineshe put a chopstick into my mouth and ignited the cotton. Heat quicklypenetrated the cotton and began to roast my hand. The searing pain made me wantto scream but the chopstick prevented it. All I could do was watch my handburn - one minute then two minutes –until mom put out the fire.

    You see the part of China I grew up in was a rural village and at thattime pre-industrial. When I was born my village had no cars no telephones noelectricity not even running water. And we certainly didn’t have access tomodern medical resources. There was no doctor my mother could bring me to seeabout my spider bite.

    For those who study biology you may have grasped the science behind my mom’scure: heat deactivates proteins and a spider’s venom is simply a form ofprotein. It’s cool how that folk remedy actually incorporates basicbiochemistry isn’t it? But I am a PhD student in biochemistry at Harvard Inow know that better less painful and less risky treatments existed. So I can’thelp but ask myself why I didn’t receive one at the time?

    Fifteen years have passed since that incident. I am happy to report thatmy hand is fine. But this question lingers and I continue to be troubled bythe unequal distribution of scientific knowledge throughout the world. We havelearned to edit the human genome and unlock many secrets of how cancerprogresses. We can manipulate neuronal activity literally with the switch of alight. Each year brings more advances in biomedical research-excitingtransformative accomplishments. Yet despite the knowledge we have amassed wehaven’t been so successful in deploying it to where it’s needed most. Accordingto the World Bank twelve percent of the world’s population lives on less than$2 a day. Malnutrition kills more than 3 million children annually. Threehundred million people are afflicted by malaria globally. All over the worldwe constantly see these problems of poverty illness and lack of resourcesimpeding the flow of scientific information. Lifesaving knowledge we take forgranted in the modern world is often unavailable in these underdeveloped regions. And in far too many places people are stillessentially trying to cure a spider bite with fire.

    While studying at Harvard I saw how scientific knowledge can help othersin simple yet profound ways. The bird flu pandemic in the 2000s looked to myvillage like a spell cast by demons. Our folk medicine didn’t even havehalf-measures to offer. What’s more farmers didn’t know the difference betweencommon cold and flu; they didn’t understand that the flu was much more lethalthan the common cold. Most people were also unaware that the virus couldtransmit across different species.

    So when I realized that simple hygiene practices like separatingdifferent animal species could contain the spread of the disease and that Icould help make this knowledge available to my village that was my first “Aha”moment as a budding scientist. But it was more than that: it was also a vitalinflection point in my own ethical development my own self-understanding as amember of the global community.

    Harvard dares us to dreambig to aspire to change the world. Here on this Commencement Day we areprobably thinking of grand destinations and big adventures that await us. Asfor me I am also thinking of the farmers in my village. My experience herereminds me how important it is for researchers to communicate our knowledge to thosewho need it. Because by using the science we already have we could probablybring my village and thousands like it into the world you and I take forgranted every day. And that’s an impact every one of us can make!

    But the question is will we make the effort or not?

    More than ever before oursociety emphasizes science and innovation. But an equally important emphasisshould be on distributing the knowledge we have to where it’s needed. Changingthe world doesn’t mean that everyone has to find the next big thing. It can beas simple as becoming better communicators and finding more creative ways topass on the knowledge we have to people like my mom and the farmers in theirlocal community. Our society also needs to recognize that the equaldistribution of knowledge is a pivotal step of human development and work tobring this into reality.

    And if we do that then perhaps a teenager in rural China who is bittenby a spider will not have to burn his hand but will know to seek a doctorinstead.

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