• Isolated-boy     记忆中的“完形填空”题的文章总是那么不合逻辑

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    相信大家都做过很多很多……(省略很多个很多) 的完型填空题,里面文章的结局总是那么浪漫,理想,但现实中真是这样吗?

    It was my first year at college. One day, when I was sleeping after a long day full of taking tests, suddenly, a loud knock woke me up from my dreams. Wondering what happened outside so late at night, I got out of the bed, turned on the light, and answered the door. I saw my roommate sitting outside with a strong smell of wine. I helped him stand up. He told me that his girlfriend just said goodbye to him and that he attemptd to forget his sorrow by drinking much whisky. As a result, his body lost balance and he even wasn't able to get his key into the door lock. I helped him get into his bed, which was on the top, so it took much of my strength to do it. After about ten minutes, I had to help him out of it again and to the toilet because he told me that he felt very sick. Instead of throwing up in the toilet, he threw up on his bed the moment I helped him out of it.。。。。。。

    I had no choice but to help him clean his bed. Finally, he went to sleep, while I was tired to death.
    It took my roommate a long time to recover from the disease caused by much wine. Later, he joined the army, found a good job which he valued very much, married, and raised two children. However, I still remember the lesson he taught me many years ago.He showed me that it was impossible to deal (find) with (a) problems(girlfriend) by(without) drinking(handsome) wine(appearance), which (unless)could(you) only (have)hurt(lots) our (of)bodies(money).
    怎么可以这么结尾??╮( ̄﹏ ̄)╭故事发展太不和逻辑了。按照常规逻辑:文中的我应该向室友的脸使出“降龙十八掌”,让他清醒过来,或者立马拿一杯水泼在脸上,然后……


    1970-01-01   8赞       1踩       239浏览 评论(8)
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