• Junooooooo朱诺♪     上尉诗人---James Blunt♫

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    今天来分享一个美男子 James Blunt---上尉诗人

    “1973”是 All the Lost Souls中的第一首歌曲是Blunt在Pacha有感而作的单曲

    Pacha是伊维萨岛上的一家俱乐部, 于1973年经营至今天

    “1973”成了Blunt另一首在WorldSingles Top40和Billboard European Hot100 Singleschart榜上的冠军单曲





    James Hillier Blount出生于1974年2月22日,是来自英国的创作歌手,音乐人以及前陆军上尉

    以艺名James Blunt更为人所知

    Blunt在2005年发布了自己的首张专辑BACK TO BEDLAM并由此开始声名鹊起

    之后他的单曲You're beautiful 以及My lover 更是给他带来了全世界范围内的名气

    James Blunt的成功可能就在于他的真实,他一个个真实的故事总是能打动无数的人





    在禁卫兵骑兵团服役时被任命为second lieutenant(少尉),在御林军提升到captain(上尉)

    布朗特是瑞士Household Cavalry阿尔卑斯山滑雪队的队长,得过皇家军队的冠军





    A silent tear
    An empty smile
    So insincerely but so gently in denial
    And me the thief
    So selfishly
    All the moments meant for you I made them mine.

    How was I so blind to miss you crumbling inside
    Is it too late now to fix you let me make it right
    Cause there'll be no sun on Sunday
    No reason for words to rhyme
    Cause if you're bleeding
    So am I.

    A wishful look
    A hesitate
    You're hoping I will notice that you're not ok
    And me the fool
    You turn away
    It's only then I feel the weight of my mistakes.

    How was I so blind to miss you crumbling inside
    Is it too late now to fix you let me make it right
    Cause there'll be no sun on Sunday
    No reason for words to rhyme
    Cause if you're bleeding
    So am I.

    And if I cut you
    If I bruise you
    Then the scars are always mine
    Cause I Love You
    So to lose you
    Would be worse than if I died.

    How was I so blind to miss you crumbling inside
    Is it too late now to fix you let me make it right
    Cause there'll be no sun on Sunday
    No reason for words to rhyme
    Cause if you're bleeding
    So am I.

    1970-01-01   17赞       0踩       967浏览 评论(21)
女 资深配角lv33


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