• Luna.路女士     【短片】睡前科普故事 Lullaby Theories :送给宝宝的平行宇宙理论

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    本片来自由 Coat of Arms 团队制作的 Lullaby Theories 系列短片第四集 Babies&Babies&Babies

    如果我们发现了一个平行宇宙——地球的姐妹,我们能有什么发现,我们的孪生宇宙真的会和我们的宇宙以同样的状态存在吗? 可爱的露西和索菲亚与他们的母亲一起讨论关于平行宇宙“混乱膨胀理论”的一系列故事...

    Creative:Coat of Arms

    Written, Produced, Directed : Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque

    Voiceover:Sophia Lacocque, Lucy Lacocque, and Clara Lehmann

    Design, Animation, Fx, and Render:Chris Ray Moberg

    Edit:Jonathan Lacocque

    Additional Design :Christoffer Bjerre and Handel Eugene

    Composing, Sound Design, Mix:Matt Stanfield

    Scientific Consulting:David L. Morgan, PH.D., Associate Professor of Physics &Astronomy at Richard Bland College of William Mary

    Special Thanks to The Science&Entertainment Exchange, National Academy of Sciences, and Amy Brown


    图片来自:Coat of Arms

    1970-01-01   37赞       1踩       1380浏览 评论(44)
女 戏骨lv61


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