• Sophia颖     Jeju-Seogwipo1

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Seogwipo is located in the south of Jeju Island, bordered by Jeju City and Hanyu mountain in the north and the Korean Strait in the south.
    This is our first place to tour, which includes the Columnar joints, WORLD SEASHELL MUSEUM MYEONG GALLERY, ALIVE MUSEUM and Hello Kitty museum.

    WORLD SEASHELL MUSEUM MYEONG GALLERY is so amazing, the most impressive thing about the museum is that Korean pay special attention to details.

    Some small details in the Museum

    Columnar joints- hexagonal rock columns produced by cooling lava

    My friends found the 'columnar joints'! Columnar joints are hexagonal rock columns produced by split of lava into vertical columns as the lava cools down. Columnar joints are found throughout Jeju Island, but scenic columnar joints with well-defined hexagons are found mainly in the southern coast of Jeju Island, including Columnar joint along Jungmun and Daepo Coast, Cheongjiyeon Waterfall, Cheonjiyeon Water Fall, Andeok Valleyand Sanbanasan Mountain.

    1970-01-01   7赞       0踩       35浏览 评论(0)


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