• Sophia颖     Lake Baikal-Irkutsk

    • Just for Fun

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    Irkutsk is the capital of Irkutsk state in Russia, with a history of more than 300 years, which is located in the south end of Baikal, the nearest city to Baikal Lake, the intersection of Angara River and Irkut river.

    Russian, who is good at singing and dancing, is warm and hospitable.

    House of Europe

    First mention of the house manor dates back to1843 as of a one-stored house During the time ofits existence, the manor changed several owners. In 1907,Al. Shastin owned the manor, giving the house a recognizable look, preserved to this day.

    In 1998, basing on the manor, Municipal Institution ' Houseof Europe was founded. Municipal Institution House ofEurope is a unique organization created as a result of workin the frames of EC TACIS project with assistance of IrkutskCity Administration to establish and develop internationalrelations between Irkutsk and European countries.

    Today, this institution represents historical and architectural ensemble, tourist and business center of Irkutsk City Administration.

    Basic elements of the ensemble are:

    Shastin's house and barn are the main administrativebuildings;

    Serapilov's house is used as a cafe, having the samename ' House of Europe';

    Grimbert's house and Larin's outhouse with a covered passage are occupied by a hotel;

    PoLkanov's house is the Museum of City Life.

    Irkutsk mountain cathedral is located in the urban area. It is the only orthodox church in Irkutsk and the most beautiful church in Irkutsk and even in Siberia.
    It has a typical Byzantine style, thick red exterior wall, blue onion dome, shining in the Siberian sunshine, just like the castle in the fairy tale, with great visual impact.

    The interior of the church is extremely luxurious.

    130 pedestrian street is the longest commercial pedestrian street in Irkutsk. At the corner of the street is a sculpture of the mascot of Irkutsk state called "Ба1073р".

    1970-01-01   1赞       1踩       31浏览 评论(0)


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