• Sophia颖     Turkey-Ephesus

    • Just for Fun

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    The ancient city of Ephesus is the county seat of Selchuk County, Izmir Province, Turkey, located in Western Turkey, not far from the Aegean Sea. It attracts countless religious figures, historical enthusiasts and tourists to visit and worship, and is one of the tourist destinations with the largest number of tourists.

    Ephesus is the most valuable ancient city in Turkey. It is also the largest and most complete ancient Greek and Roman city pool in the world. It is a good place to experience and feel the life of the roman era. As the capital of the Roman Empire in Asia at that time, it enjoyed the title of "the first and largest metropolis in Asia".
    The world said that it was not Rome. it
    was better than Rome. This beautiful city has always been one of the favorite
    places for tourists to visit Turkey. The
    vast ancient city remains have been
    preserved for more than 2,000 years. But it is not a pile of fragmented ruins, but a complete ancient city with numerous buildings.

    The main attractions are the Sersus Library, the Grand Theatre, the Hall of hadrian the residence of the Virgin Mary, and the remaining stone pillars, statues, altars, bathrooms, luxury houses, which stretch for about two kilometers, fully demonstrating the style of ancient roman architecture.

    1970-01-01   8赞       0踩       303浏览 评论(0)


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